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Laney L5T-112
Laney L5T-112

Tube Combo Guitar Amp from Laney belonging to the Lionheart series

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acromontagne acromontagne
Published on 01/14/10 at 05:00
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Very simple.
You plug it work or almost <img class="smiley" src="/images/audiofanzine/interface/smileys/icon_wink.gif" alt="" />
There is a knob for gain, 3 for Eq, 2 for the Drive, one for brightness, 1 for reverb, a switch for brightness and one to go from light to Drive.

2 inputs Hi and Lo. I use the second with a Duesenberg guitar because it comes hard.

I do not use effects loops.


The sound is very typical for me but I think it's okay. I put a little time to tame it but now I love it. Very mellow, So British! It reminds me of the 5051 TLAudio I use for my voice. Truly sublime when you love that sound.

I have put my knob Duesenberg low enough for it not too Crunch. Volume at 5 watts it goes. I am solo on stage, on large trays I have a little in return, in small places, I must decline!


I use it for 6 months.

I tried just about all the small combo lamps. This is by far the one that suits me more. After that it should go to things bcp more powerful, expensive and bulky!

Yes I would do without this choice points. And then on top of his, what face ...

9 because I put that a bit more volume would have been nice ...