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Peavey Triple XXX 212 Combo
Peavey Triple XXX 212 Combo

Tube Combo Guitar Amp from Peavey belonging to the Triple XXX series

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G.Abitbol G.Abitbol
Published on 01/01/06 at 17:33
Versatile, powerful, clean sound very clean!
3 channels: clean, crunch, ultra (a volume knob for each channel: very handy)
effects loop


Use in a death metal style but also black and thrash, with also a lot of clean sounds. Excellent for playing Opeth for example.
on the other hand, it takes a while to master it. It took me time and I am still discovering things ...


Clean: Very good, very clean (for a tube amp, it's not forced, but that's excellent)
crunch: already saturated, great big powerful rock and even metal. Very clean. Typed enough.
ultra: Very very saturated (too ?...), he drools a little, but very powerful. Excellent for solos.

It's a peavey but did not sound too peavey typed.


It should be completely to my style of music (melodic death metal: influence Opeth, Hypocrisy, Pantera, Testament ...) sat with his big '(lamp requires quality) and is made for that, you know.
What I like least: the fact that the channel ultra drool too much. Too much gain!
The price / quality ratio it is seen how versatile it worth.
Personally, I do not fully operated, even if it gives me already a great rhythmic sound of metal type, solo sounds that I love, and pure clear sound.

It is capable of metal, but also rock, the crunch channel is very very good for that too.

I am satisfied. And recently, I added a 2x12 cabinet and it is happiness ...