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Storm VT 10
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kiks kiks
Published on 06/05/10 at 06:08
Amp any 12AX7 and 6L6GC
Finally, a master volume on an amplifier input range!
plus a 3-band EQ, everything is perfect


Super easy to use, is connected, it waits 2 minutes and heat lamps that we play! not need manual!
we obtain very quickly a very good clean sound with the special lamps and especially as used in Fender 6L6


Do crunch that from 6 and still, even at the bottom it saturates very little of the advantage that it can easily paste a few distortion pedals and more.
the sound is very clear crystal, relatively neutral so you can enjoy the sound of your guitar verifiable
Only negative, and again, the original HP, it will replace, but at this price it really gave when we see how we would pay the same Fender!

Please note that I am not at all agree with the previous opinion: it is not an amp for metal, its distortion is not his strong point, like Fender amps for that matter, so it had better try it before buying, if you want a big distortion DIRECTED you to Randall or Engl but this is not the same budget
or in small 5W Blackstar


Level unbeatable value for money, most entry-level amp for the same price are 5w, while we already have a nice little 10w with a very nice clean sound!

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