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ENGL E625 Fireball 60 Head
ENGL E625 Fireball 60 Head

Tube Guitar Amp Head from ENGL belonging to the Fireball series

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icarus78 icarus78
Published on 01/05/05 at 09:41
Amp 60watts all lights (4 * ecc 84 in preamp and 6L6 power * 2)
-Front: 1input, 1gain, a bright switch, switch, DEHP, a 3-band EQ bass treble presence med (all that is common to the two channels) a master's degree and a master b
stand-by switch on and off.
-A rear footswitch jack (mono or stereo) an effects loop with its knob and taken to the baffle (8 and 16ohms).


Config simple but hard to master the début.On easily find its only flaw son.Le come from the fact that there is only one knob for gain something quite compelling when you want to spend a monstrous distortion to a clean perfect and vice versa so it will play with the master and b and with the volume knob on your scraper.
I recommend taking a single footswitch to improve ease because in this case the master is assigned to a channel and master b to ultra gain (distortion that hard all through engl) with a stereo footswitch is right Following more than a break up handling mainly live (I paid the price) you must press the switch has 2boutons of faith to change the channel and as a master switch stereo masters are no longer assigned to each channel .
I takes only 6 because of an extra gain knob orait been welcome if the common 2-channel equalizer does not bother me too much or not at all because it's pretty much the same settings for me finally.


We enter the most interresting topic.
Beautiful clean sound with bright switch (boost the trebles) and DEHP (bass bost) we can get a whole variety of its clean then we can turn the knob to mess gain cruncher or rather all that.
Then the distortion is simply beautiful in a word a huge grain of different marshall and mesa but I love just what ptit grain (one reason for my purchase) equalizer is effectively a marshall but less accurate that mesa.Mais a sound in general is simply magnifique.On can play well almost all over this amp is best for the big metal (doom, black, death and also heavy trash).


What I like most about this over the ultra gain its huge and beautiful and I use it mainly for distortion so the simple equa I have no problem.The price / quality ratio is amazing finish is exemplary and a system tube monitoring is integrated with the beast.
With the experience I immediately remake that choice.