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ENGL E645 PowerBall Head
ENGL E645 PowerBall Head

Tube Guitar Amp Head from ENGL belonging to the Powerball series

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utopik utopik
Published on 02/20/07 at 13:48
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Fairly simple to configure, but the settings are great opportunities we have a hard time deciding so it sounds good in all directions.
That said in 2 minutes found the sound that rips ...


I play metal and I guess it was designed for that ...
However, it remains flexible.
I have a cabinet equipped with two NOS V30 and two Century Vintage. My guitar is a Jackson Dinky DK2 equipped with an EMG 81 in bridge. To be honest the level it is purely a killing! I have a really revered in his revered including palm mute ... It comes to many of the excellent speaker NOS (Gerard thank you again!) That sounds really good.
Do not overlook the cabinet, I tried the head on a cabinet marshall standard € 350, and it had nothing to do!

The distortion sounds very Meshuggah / pantera smooth, clean and dug in V. I like it, but it is not very typical. Let's say that we should not look for originality with this amp. I hesitate very long with the Revo XL2 120 Brunetti, scratch the other group has, but I do not regret my choice. The Brunetti has a lot more personality, a little less gain, but its really an ultra aggressive, great for large rhythmic hardcore ...
The ENGL has more settings, configurations, and especially more gain!

The other important point is that both amps complement each other well and it would be a shame to have the same sound twice ... the equalization of the guitars gives an interesting result considering the frequency spectrum of severe acute to:



I've had three months, and wow. I have owned dozens of amps of any kind before this one, and I tried almost everything available in Hi-gain amp.
In this price range, the only serious race condition are: Framus Cobra, Brunetti Revo XL2, VHT Deliverance, Peavey 5150 2.
They all have a grain a little different, then he must try to get an idea ... I really enjoy all these models, the ENGL had the advantage of versatility, many settings, but especially the sound that sounds almost like the cd without mixing
I think one day buy the VHT deliverance and more, for another sonic palette.
But in the meantime, the ENGL amp really suits me more.