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[Musikmesse] Reussenzehn El-34 Mk.3

For the 5th anniversary of his El-34 amp, Thomas Reußenzehn of Reußenzehn Tube Power introduces the Mk3-version of the single ended class A amp.
Newest and most important feature is the possibility to muscle up the former 10 watts up to a strong 19 wattage, and when used with 6550 tubes, even up to 21 watts, according to the company.

With this, they say you can now use this amp in a band kontext without any problems. The El-34's power section can be stuffed with the tubes of your choice – on the fly, without correcting the BIAS. Either EL-34, 6L6, KT88 or 6550…

The price of this tube cube is €849.
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