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Damage Control Demonizer
Damage Control Demonizer
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TartifletteMaster TartifletteMaster
Published on 06/05/08 at 07:00
See previous ones opinion


The rglages trs limits are not making the top, we quickly realized the impact for the settings on the sound. A quick read of the manual and a test DIFFERENT rglages examples in allows you to quickly turn the possibilities of the craft.
Too bad that one is forced to play on the compressor to increase the saturation, we actually lost a little momentum (it is not too EXAGRES), for my part I have about 50% of the compressor to have a large saturation type thrash / death (with my ESP Truckster by the way ...) and the compression level is acceptable.


So the contradictions I have some advice to make previous ones ...
In terms of actually rglages trs is basic, even if the knobs on each DDIS qualisation the influence of the range of sounds is strait. If one seeks a device that can shape any sound a bit, choose exactly what you want frquences privilgier, etc.., Other tools are certainly more appropriate.
What m'amne evokes comparison with the above POD: Although it is a tool that provides a fairly tense paramtrage fabulous, given its price, its bulk. I have used for many years before not being able to support this synthetic simulations ct HP, and especially the trs trs ct draft by the saturated type "metal ". Demonize the attacks are more brands, the sound is prcis and we feel much less end up embedded in a slurry of bass and treble.
Exit "HP simulation" is INTERESTED (much better than what is done with the POD I think) to play such stuff on the stereo, or make instantaneous records own without taking the head. Exit "preamp" can attack directly Poweramp but I do not believe t compared to my Engl E530 (which is for a).
I personally use the computer music to demonize, I record my guitar on two tracks, each output of the device as a cable track. Then, on the track "direct preamp" I apply a simulation with the HP plugin (free!) SIR, I encourage all guitarists computer music addicts learn the above, rsultats are bluffing! Basically, from the output of the SIR + demonize you end up with really feel like hearing a couraging taken with head + cabinet + mic! Then I mix this track with a hair out "simulation" of a little grazing to demonize the sound and finally gave something really convincing!


In conclusion I think this device will not suit everyone. If you are looking for a versatile product, go your way. If you are looking pramp was much better for not much more expensive.
on the other hand to carry around and be able to connect anywhere with a sound that holds up, or to his own recordings alone in his apartment, that's what I know best in terms of value (quality + size + simplicity) / price.
In résumé:
+ Sound lamps
Correct simulation + HP
+ Ergonomics
And durable
+ Space
- Does not replace a real good prampli Designed to attack a Poweramp