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Edirol UA-25
Edirol UA-25

USB audio interface from Edirol belonging to the UA series

Using the Edirol ua-25 with Vista and cubase studio 4.

  • 2 replies
  • 3 participants
Topic Using the Edirol ua-25 with Vista and cubase studio 4.
I recently got a new pc running on Vista, now when I use the ua-25 and cubase studio 4 i'm still getting loads of pops and clicks, does any one know how to loose the pops and clicks.
Hi...Ihave also just bought the Edirol UA-25. I am running it on a laptop with Vista home edition basic.
Did you download the vista driver? You can get it on the Roland website. It's only a 650 kbyt file. Also, check the buffer/latency settings (in the control panel you will see the edirol icon, open it and you will see where to set the latency)). you may have it set too low.....start at 20 msec and gradually lower it and see where the pops start.
Good luck.
Still wanna know

Quote: Hi...Ihave also just bought the Edirol UA-25. I am running it on a laptop with Vista home edition basic.

what do you think of the UA-25? does it work well with Vista?