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M-Audio Fast Track
M-Audio Fast Track
Magix Fingers Magix Fingers

«  PRACTICE BUT ..... »

Published on 04/01/12 at 04:50






I HAVE TO BUY THIS MATOS PUT ME ON PC TO RECORD my songs and making models
I have only one digital recorder next and I start really has operated the
Also you always have a good computer gear after and I'm not on Apple's software so that I use on the cuckoo, all is not compatible properly so I did not use it enough to leave an objective opinion on the other hand I used it as an external sound card on my lequelle recorder connected to my PC processes the sound and the spring via the external card and sound is pretty good
however say the overall functionality or the interest of this stuff I can not say that once you buy a good pc to apple or microsoft does not create Concurrency everyone takes what they want in terms of its budget and software they already own because Ca plays AC and that's what is a headache it will be brief in a next episode
Magix fingers
(Come to discover my songs on youtube http://www.noomiz.com/MagixFingers or by typing in the search magixfingers91100) thank you see you soon