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M-Audio Fast Track Pro
M-Audio Fast Track Pro

USB audio interface from M-Audio belonging to the Fast Track series

Fegc Fegc
Published on 03/25/08 at 13:44
It was almost six years I wanted to buy an audio interface. I did not really need because I had all my music into the computer (VST, etc..), But this time I wanted dernires record my acoustic instruments (piano, guitar, vocals).
So I needed an interface with two input and two pre-amps. C'tait the minimum and I thought the FTP silent a good candidate.

So priori c'tait perfect for me.


The installation is made without problem, or almost. The first test with the CD but I did not download any drivers and c'tait good. Less than 10 minutes to install.
The documentation is almost nonexistent, even the manual is in pdf trsdtaill.


It comes with a demo version of Pro Tools and Ableton Live which apparently is not the latest version of Live complte. Any fawn I have no intrt to use them.


APRS I have installed and I plug my SM58 jou something. Great dception! The pre-amp is trs, trs low-level gain.
The first take with the misplaced mic I recorded almost nothing and yet gain the maximum silent. The deuxime take with ideal conditions I arrived to record something, but I'm still trsdu.
May be you have to buy a real pr-amp to make a proper use of this card.
Any fawn I think I'd be better with AudioFire4 I almost bought instead of FTP.

But hey, still a good card, the playback is great and it comes as even record something. But deu me a lot.