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Tascam US-122

Tascam US 122

  • 46 replies
  • 32 participants
Topic Tascam US 122
Y'all will have to forgive me for my ignorance on this subject, but I have been looking at building a PC recording system, and was wondering what you thought of the Tascam US 122. It seems to offer the things I need to put tracks on my hard drive. Anybody have any experience with one?
I've never tried this soundcard, but I know that Tascam is not recognise as a good computer interface provider yet :(
I've heard a lot of people complaining about the stability of their drivers... this is always the problem when a company try to launch peripherals as they have no know how in sofware dveloppement...

So you'd better negociate a tryal periode if your are decided to buy it!

I think M-Audio or RME have better products, but I'm perahps wrong...

What are you exactly looking for? (number of I/O, definition, bus, use)
really all I wanna do is use the PC as a means to mix down and burn CDs. I am very happy with the audio quality that I get from the Boss BR-532 and Tascam 428( I use the two units together) but I would like to be able to dump it all to my hard-drive for final tweaking, then burn it to CD
I just bought the US 122 yesterday because the salesman assured me it would be the greatest way to record sound into my computer without using a soundcard. Only problem is when I try to record audio (or anything for that matter) I just hear a series of beeps. I've gone over the manual cover to cover a few times (all 4 pages of it) and still can't figure out what the problem is. I've tried it on both windows XP and windows 98SE. I hope it's something small I'm overlooking. If anyone has any idea of what the problem might be I would be much obliged because there is no way of contacting these guys about anything. Thanks.

Quote: I just bought the US 122 yesterday because the salesman assured me it would be the greatest way to record sound into my computer without using a soundcard. Only problem is when I try to record audio (or anything for that matter) I just hear a series of beeps. I've gone over the manual cover to cover a few times (all 4 pages of it) and still can't figure out what the problem is. I've tried it on both windows XP and windows 98SE. I hope it's something small I'm overlooking. If anyone has any idea of what the problem might be I would be much obliged because there is no way of contacting these guys about anything. Thanks.

I'm realy sorry for that! I hope you will find a solution. But don't hesitate to bring back you card if ever the hotline is not able to give you the corect advice!
Did you check if new driver are available?
RME or M-audio is definitely the way to go if you are a PC user. If you're on a budget and just need to record 2 channels, M-audio has some great USB interfaces at a relatively cheap price. The USB Audiophile or the USB Duo for instance are great products.
Scary thing is, I've seen the US-122 on several different web-sites, and they all say, "no returns on this product". I think I'll steer clear of it.
As a longtime Mac user I am astonished at the problems I've had with the Tascam 122. I have a Pismo PowerBook and a new G4 iBook with GarageBand on it. My problem is to get the electric guitar into the recording software. Let me say for the total novices viewing this post that Apple's GarageBand is an extraordinary piece of recording software. Not surprising: easy to use and easy to look at. It took my 13 year old kid about the 10 minutes to get the hang of it, and after getting him a keyboard he's into music from the side of participation instead of being only a passive listener. So, my problem is getting the electric guitar to record. Originally the Apple people suggested I get M Audio Mobilepre, with a preamp and USB power. Sounded like the reasonable easy answer, and I know that it would be an easy install and I'd be up and running quickly. The Apple store was out of them so I mosey over Guitar Center and was told about the Tascam. It sounded like a good alternative to Mobilepre with a few more features for the future, as it were. But, all I wanted was a way to get my guitar to the recording sw. With Tascam, it's been like a preview to purgatory or something. I haven't had this much frustration with a product since I tried to figure out MS DOS for myself (Bill Gates will never be forgiven). Cubasis is really ugly. I have no idea what Rebirth or the other software is good for, but it, like the Tascam itself, it doesn't work (Cubasis perpetually crashes). After many hours of fiddling, I haven't been able to do anything with the Tascam, on my PowerBook or my kids iBook. Like my kid, says, 'It should work right away without problems out of the box'. I bought this on Saturday 17 afternoon so I haven't been in touch with Guitar Center but I will call them this morning and I'll post here what they have to say. By the way, I get the same results as another poster: a repeating beep. For the beginner out there: do yourself a huge favor and go into an Apple store and fool around with GarageBand. Save yourself a lot of agony if you're planning to set up a simple but effective and easy to use recording device. Finally, I think I'll go to the Apple store today to get the Mobilepre. Guitar Center was right about the keyboard: M Audio Radium 49 is very nice with no installation or sw problems.
I am surprised at the number of complaints that have been posted about the tascam us-122. I've been using for 6 months now and I've not had a single problem. I'm running winXP and using it for audio and midi.

I don't put much through it one time (i mainly record one track at a time), but its handy as I can pop round my mates plug it into his laptop and record, burn to disk and come home. plus its good for my mike which needs phantom power.

anyways, I'm sure its not the best card out there, but I thought I would put a posting sticking up for it for once!!
I've had along discussion witrh the salesman about soundcards for a complete novice like me and he has thoroughly recommended this card even over the terratec DMX 6 fire (is that the correct name?), which a friend of mine who is heavily into making his own music suggested would be far better than the Tascam. supposedly the Terratec has Phono inputs but not a specific Guitar input..

I want to use Guitar and mike with reason on win XP with not a great deal of RAM (256) and he said the Tascam would be better as it has impedance balanced inputs for guitar and Mike.

My teacher also says he has another student using one of these with no trouble at all. On the other hand the other USB option one of his students has is an M-Audio card which has caused alot of problems because it keeps dropping its drivers so I dont fancy that

Its a bit worrying seeing all these concerns but having looked on the market I think I might go ahead and get it anyhow. It looks like the best for what I need at a reasonable price.

Tom M

PS my friend said he'd choose the DMX because of its EMU chip and because Reason needs aot of computing power. i dont fully understand this concept could someone explain what the EMU chip does and how you can compare various ones??