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Jackson WRXT Warrior
Jackson WRXT Warrior

V/XPL/FB Shaped Guitar from Jackson belonging to the X series

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innocent.moon innocent.moon
Published on 02/03/07 at 09:23
Jackson WarriorXT japan
24 frets, two duncan design pickups double
a floyd rose licensed
two pots one volume one tone Bolt


The handle is nice but it's true that to access the acute need to be flexible, round-the junction body is breaking balls to AC, otherwise it slips.
guitar weighs a healthy weight I would say, the shape is nice but we regret the place or was dug for the decision to jack that prevents the classical guitar position, which to be practical in some situations.
At the time I remember being pleasantly surprised by the sound as clean as that in full.
in retrospect (and testing of several microphones better bill) I would say it corect for that price, the microphone is not very accurate acute but overall ca be held still enough good and serious (I Use only in clean him) is very round and warm.
for floyd bin .... it's licensed ... I have not had time to grow the original in the extreme but the license-in all) stood quite well the tuning condition for having a shot at his strings after they changed to relax, the concern is the return of Floyd after a big lag, it is not very precise and it takes time to adjust


For pickups I not kept it very long time I have replaced with EMG 81 in acute and severe in 60. the sound is cold (not a remake I would resume the same but ... too late ^ ^) but accurate (despite the breath)
I played on a marshall AVT100 and a Randall Warhead
Marshall pushed the props to stop distortion level and ca bothered him a little breath was ennorme the warhead suporte bcp better, but it's the sound to which the material, randall marshall is harder than I think
I like its heavy but aggressive acute very precise in terms of distortion, I like to clean when it's warm, soft (where the warhead is démerder bcp worse than the marshall, the clean of randall is too dry, the ataque is far too strong and too acute presents, the Marshall was more rounded.)


I play with um ... 4 years since I liked the shape but when I played it I carried very low, much to the Hetfield (Metallica) but it limits the game is on bcp, model since I changed, I play above ... Before that I played on an Ibanez RG250 ...
RAPORT the money is very well it's still a good scratch.
with the experience I do not know if I would do this choice, as I have since changed, but I think I would never have discovered my grail without going through the Warrior XT. so I guess yes.