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Music software for iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad
Virtual instruments for iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

article reactions 5 Top iPad Synths You Might Have Missed

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Topic 5 Top iPad Synths You Might Have Missed
5 Top iPad Synths You Might Have Missed
If you haven’t looked at iPads lately, you may not realize how powerful they’ve become. In terms of processing speed, the iPad Air 2 is as powerful as most laptops, and the iPad Pro’s 64-bit A9X processor is almost twice as fast as that. App developers have taken notice and are creating synths that take full advantage of faster iPad processors. Some of the best cost just a fraction of what they cost for computers, and they sound as good as computer-based soft synths, too. Let’s take a look at five of my favorites.

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Great article!
Great article!

Thanks. Glad you liked it. :bravo:
Out of the 5 synths reviewed and their corresponding samples, the Geoshred audio samples impressed me as being the most musical, the type of sound I could definitely see using in my own productions. Thanks for the article!

[ Post last edited on 02/06/2016 at 15:44:36 ]