672 videos
Xils Lab Polykb Iii Lost Circuits Soundbank Prese…
Softube Modular The Tutorials 14 Braids Part 1 T
Softube Modular The Tutorials Part 15 Braids Wave…
Modular Sound Explorations W. Kabuki – Ep. 5/6 – …
Psp Efemerizer An Outstanding Frequency Modulator…
Fm Synthesis In Msoundfactory
Per-voice fx in MSoundfactory
Additive Synthesis in MSoundfactory
MSoundfactory Oscillator Shaper
Softube Modular - Kabuki X Softube Modular @Super…
Propellerhead Complex-1 hands-on demo
Vcv Host - Using Izotope Vocal Synth And Trash Vs…
Arturia's Mellotron V In Vcv Rack
Reason Complex-1 Jam - No Talking
Arturia Synthi - V presets selection
Arturia announces | Synthi V
Modular Sound Explorations W. Kabuki – Ep. 4/6 – …
Xils 4 By Xils-Lab
Patch from scratch with Complex-1 in Reason // 3D…
Doepfer Bbd For Modular – Softube
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