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Hermann Seib Updates VSTHost & SAVIHost

Hermann Seib has updated VSTHost to v1.48 and SAVIHost to v1.35.


Changes in both programs:

  • Lots of bug fixes and internal changes.

Changes in VSTHost since v1.47:

  • There are two major VSTHost variants now: the normal x86 one (32 bit code) and an x64 one (64 bit code), which obviously runs only on 64-bit Windows machines. The x64 variant is still rather experimental; I can’t guarantee that each and every little detail works correctly.
  • VSTHost contains its own set of bridge programs now so that you can load 64-bit PlugIns in the 32-bit program (only in an x64 environment, of course.), or 32-bit PlugIns in the 64-bit program. JBridge support is still available, but you have to specifically request it for a PlugIn, since VSTHost’s own bridge programs provide more functionality (bridging VST Module Architecture and VST3 PlugIns, for example, unlimited number of audio channels, PlugIn pooling, …). If you run into problems using VSTHost’s bridge, you can still use JBridge instead.
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