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Steinberg HALion Sonic 1.5.2

Steinberg has updated HALion Sonic to version 1.5.2.


The new version introduces VST 3.5 context menu support and fixes several minor bugs and performance issues.


New features and improvements:

  • HALion Sonic supports VST3.5 context menu (from host).
  • HALion Sonic / HALion Sonic SE sub presets are now sharing a folder location with common sub presets.



  • Instability when reducing voices to 1 in Logic.
  • Instability when loading a certain presets with compressor.
  • Lost MIDI CC assignments in Logic.
  • Problem with FlexPhraser using control keys.
  • Undesired behaviour if no protection key is connected.
  • Missing key commands functionality.
  • Multiple key switch layers could play at the same time.
  • Hanging notes for retriggered notes that went out of range.
  • Hanging notes for notes triggered before the initialization of MIDI modules.
  • Hanging notes on project loading due to key range instead of a key switch messages sent by Cubase.
  • Removed Mute/Solo automatisms when triggered through automation.
  • Sphere arrows are now disabled if the sphere-QCs control layer-QCs without assignments.
  • Enhanced handling of sustain note off events to avoid missing transposed events.
  • Cross-platform compatibility of multi chain presets.
  • Problem with double note offs in certain HSO programs.
  • Instability when playing high notes that have been transposed.
  • Mono LFO synced rate works now with sample rates other than 44.1kHz.
  • The colour of result counter of the MediaBay text turns black.
  • Sub category in MediaBay does not correctly update.
  • After the 1.5 update some expression programs (Guitar Layers) didn’t work correctly.
  • Pressing the transport “Stop” button of the standalone via MIDI file playback can cause a performance overflow.
  • Program change messages are not executed when received from external MIDI device in GM mode (standalone).
  • Not all MIDI CCs were correctly received in GM mode. (standalone, depending on buffer size).
  • Loading of programs after saving, followed by a rename wasn’t possible.
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