Offering 16 channels IN/OUT and two configurable party-line interface channels, Zeus III LE+ also receives the addition of Ethernet. According to RTS, Zeus III LE+ can be configured from anywhere on a network using AZedit Intercom software. Alternatively, Zeus III LE+ can be connected to AZedit configuration software through the use of the USB connector on the front panel, or the serial or Ethernet connectors on the rear panel. The system also has 16 standard RJ45 connectors to connect an intercom system with audio lines and keypanels by keeping the RTS wiring scheme. In addition, the two built-in relays can be used to control lighting or to key remote transmitters and paging systems, etc.
Key features:
- Two redundant power supplies: The unit comes with two independent power supplies powered from separate AC feeds.
- USB port: The USB port is used for system configuration using AZedit Intercom software.
- Trunk capable: Zeus III LE+ can communicate with an RTS trunked system using the dedicated DB-9 trunk connector with standard RS485 protocol.
- Additional channels/ports: Zeus III LE+ is a 16-channel intercom matrix – each channel can be used to connect to a keypanel or 4W Audio (Audio In & Out).
- Dual-channel party line interface: Zeus III LE+ includes an interface for additional two channels of party line. From the front panel it can be configured for use with RTS TW, Telex Audiocom or Clear-Com party line systems. No additional interfaces are necessary.
- Remote configuration: With the addition of Ethernet to the unit, users can remotely configure Zeus III LE+.
- Dynamic keypanel addressing: Zeus III LE+ automatically addresses keypanels when they are connected to the frame. This is designed to eliminate the need for setting keypanel addresses and maintaining port allocations.
- Relays: Two relay connections are included, available on the back panel of the unit.
For more information, visit
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