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Roland A-90
Roland A-90

88-Key MIDI Keyboard from Roland belonging to the A series

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mooreamusic mooreamusic
Published on 05/11/07 at 11:58
Level connectivity and caractriqtiques, I will not m&#39;taler, as others have posted advice trs complete this.

Just note - if you want buy it used - it must be vrifier quip card VE-RD1 (otherwise there is no sound in it!)
It would be great as the old quip Owner &#39;is also the machine of a memory expansion card that doubles the storage capacity of programs that is a bit feeble (only 64 original)

Note you can also get other cards of the ROLAND SERIES SRJV instead of VE-RD1 ...


Let&#39;s talk now use ...

Cel is trs trs long as I use this keyboard in the studio and on stage rgulirement ... And for good reason, we always do better.

First touch is trs trs good. He has no problem of "bounce" which had been interfering a lot of Roland keyboards in the same era as the FP8.

Then the connector for connecting an arm of pedals and other controllers that will be very useful.

The sounds of the VE-RD1 is complete enough to make an A-90 stand-alone machine. Some pianos correct (but even when there are much better now ...), bass, violin and some sheets + one pannels of all other electric keyboards (clavinet, wurli, ect ...) with a reference to sp cial for Fender Rhodes, which is simply outstanding! Vrauiement it will turn to computer-type accumulators Elektrik Piano Native Instruments to find better ...

In the studio A90 fulfills all the functions needed. Note that the pitch bend and modulation are the two aspects Submitted by conventional (knobs and joystick) and the prsence the Polyphonic aftertouch apprciable a touch lours

But the highlight of the machine is the scne! Because this keyboard with the four-out MIDI - will be the center of all your system twelve o&#39;clock!

Without going into technical dtails PROCUP you have purchased a time machine, I&#39;ll give you a glimpse of what you can do:

- You can with a simple reminder program to assign the patches 90 A and 4 volumes of machines (and even more of roland 7 if you&#39;re a bit clever!). If other machines of the era Roland are connected, you will have access even to the names of presets directly from the A90
- You can split the keyboard into 8 parts if you sing a (4 + 4 internal sounds or external areas up to 8 external zones - between all the options are possible (6 +2, 3 +1, ect, ect ...)
- You can send sys-ex from the A90
- You can chain your scene presets with incremented via the pedals
- You can rassigner most of the buttons functions prcises.
- All pedals, wheels, aftertouch, rglages (such as the rponse claiver, or otherwise) are assignable (or not) indpendanment for each zone. And differently for each preset. The presets stoquent the ENTIRE KEYBOARD INFO
- You can enable or disable a zone in real time by simply pressing the buttons.
- We have access 4 assignable potentiometers to move in real time the MIDI controls
- You can lead a reader or squenceur midifiles


I use this keyboard for 15 years ... It means everything.

It is always in my studio and I ds I do lots of big scnes

Level of reliability that is tough condition to maintain and change the spices to wear. The keyboard is designed to be moved; the knobs are linear and protects the dusts, the switches are flexible and do not break.

Prvoyez to change the rubbers (contacts under the keys) every 5 years if you make a big use of A90
In the opinion of rponse musician who has 60 hammers chang ... Know that as FP8 in the same era, the A90 has a weakness in the hammer, which tend to crack ... But they break most of the time because of another problem with the felts should be changed after a decade (so concerned all current machines). Over time, rubber Submitted under the felt is dsagrge and the hammers strike the mtal ...
Roland can provide through the centers of all the spices Repair Tool AGRS dtach. Like all machines of the same brand of spices 100% parts are arranged.
So in the end my opinion is this: Few numriques machines that are not obsolete after 10 - 15 years of use ... Yet the A-90 acts as an exception by offering a MIDI controller that has not found a successor suprieur currently possde a bank and its honorable with the VE-RD1

If you have one: KEEP! Leaves invest 150 or 200 for a complete checkup, you will not find any equivalent on the market.

If you do not and are looking for a MIDI controller complete, the keyboard for you. It can sometimes dnicher Used to 600 ...