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5 free Max for Live devices

Max for Cats released on the Ableton webstore a pack of 5 Max for Live devices that can be downloaded for free.

The Gratis Hits pack features the following devices:

  • Bertha 2: a polyphonic additive synth with 8 tone generators, a drawbar-style control, for a sound that reminds of the old Farfisa or Vox solid-state organs, with built-in vibrato, chorus and distortion effects, a Leslie speaker emulation and a microtonal mode.
  • XY Gesture Audio and MIDI: records the mouse mouvements to play them later as automation data for any parameter mapping, with the ability to save the setting assignments as presets and load them to your Sets
  • Anti-Warp: a performance tool for the Live Session View that will decouple the audio tracks from the main tempo and loop playing clips. You can mix the un-warped and dry signals, change the playback speed, pitch and direction of the un-warped clip
  • MIDI Monitor: displays various incoming and outgoing MIDI data in a scrolling window with a color code and note number. Note that a surprise animation mode is included

The 39MB pack also includes 10 presets and 2 Live Sets. You can download it for free at www.ableton.com.

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