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Prodipe Pro 8
Prodipe Pro 8
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Delmaphisab Delmaphisab
Published on 07/03/08 at 05:49
Value For Money : Excellent
Power through these monitors can be used on the premises whose surface varies from 10 to 30 m2. The connection is complete: TRS (stereo jack) balanced, XLR and RCA Unbalanced.
The vents are located on the front, thus placing them against a wall (very handy in a small room)
The HP 8 'can do without a subwoofer even difficult to use a curve below 45Hz.
A filter for high frequencies is also available to adapt the sound reproduction to the room.
I use to mix my components (pop, rock, funk) recorded via Cubase on PC. They are connected to a sound card M-Audio Audiophile 24/96.


These speakers are quite neutral. A slight bump in the midrange, but there does not penalize the overall quality of listening. Similarly, sub-bass is not their field ...
The dynamics are good on the bass and percussion that's ok, not boiled, it responds well, it's just the right smack. I think these speakers are very reactive.
The stereo image depends more on the console or sound card that connected the speakers themselves.
The separation of channels on my Audiophile is good, so the result is excellent on the speakers. You can really capture the subtleties of a mix, the placement of instruments becomes clear, the depth given by a reverb is properly done.
If it complies with speaker placement (angle, height, type of surface on which they are willing), the rendering is very good. Without touching excellence, I have not been listening again to my surprise productions in other media such as stereo, car stereo, sound system etc ... that's the key.


I use them for 6 months.
I tested the Pro5 (much less powerful and lower non-existent), the M-Audio BX8a (quality and performance equivalent to Pro8), the Samson Resolv 65a (they are very soft, "type"). After, there is much better at Focal, Dynaudio, Genelec, FAR ... in the same category of speakers home studio, but its just 3 to 4 times more expensive and to justify the additional cost should begin to bring its local noise standards to avoid disappointment sacred.
The price / quality ratio is good on Pro8: I have obtained new for € 369. This is a good tool for the serious home-studio owners with knowledge of sound recording and mixing.
I would do this choice, or M-audioBx8, eyes closed. These speakers bring me satisfaction, out of snobbery and a sham (8020 Genelec the bottom of a dingy local) ...
As nothing is perfect I put September 1