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Yamaha HS80M
Yamaha HS80M

Active Monitor from Yamaha belonging to the HS series

CaporalPatin CaporalPatin
Published on 02/16/08 at 10:15

Why are these speakers:

-Good and good for what motivated my choice, it's not complicated is the urgency.
I work usually on Alesis M1mk2 and final inspection of the tannoy s600, a grid of bored in full session with clients .... I run to my dealer who lent me the yamaha HS80M ... I do not make him .... then purchased their eyes closed without any a priori.


-The use to which my new friends and intend majoritairemment recording Rock ...
Close monitoring and possibly pre-mastering.


-I put the config info for casiment although it has no effect on the sound of the Yamaha HS80M

Intel Mac Pro 4 giga rams
yamaha 01v96v2
Adat cards at MY16
Sound Card M Audio ProFire adat ligthbridge
A preamp TL Audio 5001 x4
Transistor Preamp Yamaha HA8 x4

I put 5 because I do not see how this note under the circumstances of purchase ....


The frequency curve:

The frequency curve is surprisingly neutral ... although if you want a little chippoter arguably lacks slightly Medium ... I do not mark frequency ... because a person has another perception may vary ...
Let's just say the medium has low volume in general is a bit light ... thing that is compensated very naturally if one takes into account the mix, or if you push the volume.

The stereo image:

Bon bha then I read anything and everything ...
The stereo image even when the speaker participates in a bit ... is above all you who do ....
Made two three searches on the net to learn to put your box correctly according to the geometry of your part ...
and above all take care of yourself properly before putting your boxes .... it tells you something the triangle to listen ...
Gone do not worry ... it's good image


- How long have you use it?

I use them for 10 days I will be a days notice but I doubt it.

- What is so special that you like most and least?

I appreciate the fact that high volume joinery does not move, that the evacuation of low is done properly and do not put the hp in pain ...
You can listen hard, the amps are built very well calibrated and does not produce distortion.
I also like the ass attenuating boxes that correct slightly eq ...
it's a little gadget but it's Génélec ... and it avoids a particular eq on the master during the mix;

- Have you tried many other models before buying it?

Ho yes, one trippoté ... and in this price range, considering the service rendered ... I'm looking for the scam ... the life can be ...

- How would you rate the quality / price?

Excellent ... but normal ... I hope it is not built by children ...

- With experience, you do again this choice? ...

Yes without hesitation.
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