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Yamaha AN1X
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nikko666 nikko666
Published on 10/30/06 at 05:08
I would not stay on features, see the other view.
But the possibility of synthse dpassent REALLY looks a bit austere on the keyboard.
Do not be fooled. He has not the head of a good keyboard, yet it is a good synth trs.


I do not agree with the critics Previous.
Despite the fact that many are difficult to paramettres ACCS, most paramettres Essenciel are tightly controlled by the buttons rel time, and it is quite possible to use to synth scne on.

He must prciser a tape more than two wheels, which gives even more possibilities of expression in live.

It is true that the wide possibilities of this trs synths prevents everything possible faade, but with any editor is very simple, and the device keeps a satisfactory final ergonomics .


It is a good analog modeling synth, so it's not as warm as the really good vintage.
But on the other cot opportunities squence, polyphony, numerous presets keyboard Splitt try to do with an MS20!
Therefore subject to noise of techno at large, there are great sounds, filters are characteristics and apparently used this synth is VERY DNAS big dance production.
One recognizes immediately the grain dja heard.

I think this synth is one of the Evolver prcurseur notament. The possibilities are endless and the sequences to sequences of pads mid mid sweeps, this synth is simply the IDAL.
With respect to a Waldorf Q there is less opportunity abroad, it has a grain warmer sounds less fat, less complex and sophisticated.
Compared a virus, it has a more analogue strangely garian least because it has fewer side effects.
But it is not ridiculous to the contrary.


This synth is a nice surprise tural. I pay 280 euros and the price is really incredible.
The largest default is its look. We really do not want to buy it when you see it. Yet it is a good machine trs, with full of opportunities and sequences Enfert.
Price level relative quality 10/10