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Yamaha AN1X
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djcalcaire djcalcaire
Published on 01/30/06 at 05:17
That says it all down: a virtual analog has two "oscilloscope" synchronized but with FM synthesis capabilities that make it versatile trs. Good possibility but a MIDI connection a bit limited (ah between a mic / line, which would leave on the rack effects!). Programs over 128 128 sequences, plus two "scene" by sound, you can mix it with the knob (morphing): It's what to do!
No sound "raliste possible, from a low ceiling of the organ: it is necessary to get his sound, a


It is quite intuitive with its matrix in faade edition with the knobs. The keyboard is not bad, after touch, Keytrack, single or multiple envelopes, mono or legato,

The edition in spite of the matrix, and because of the number of parameters very subtle rub the parameters Drout (for example, the VCA section, the volume is a cot feedback, which can screw up the sound: should not be in the gourrer Precipitation Occurred ...
Another problem with menus li edition: If you make a mistake, it can be to find what galrer knob what menu ... Finally, the panel srigraphie tends to fade a use, which is rather ch ....


The sound seemed to me to agree, until I tested the real analog is much more musical and that's not to say anything: the diffrence between a clavinova and a piano .... what
No sound "raliste" possible, from the organ a little flat or pseudo-DX7 rhodes hilarious but are doing good in passs with tremolo effects and has the support: you have to get his sound, and finally do not try to imitate. this machine in many surprises when it "follows", when costs much what is happening because the number of parameters to adjust any ... and we find sacred surprises. I think the digital sound the craziest I've ever came out of the blue keypad.

on the other hand is pretty horrible when he wants to emulate a Moog or a clavinet, a sound of copper to the prophecy or making fine strings .. It is fantastic for Fx, leads dreangeants, tablecloths bizarre and scrolls. It must follow I tell you, he has his personality


I have since 2000, he followed me everywhere together and surprised me more than once by what comes out: a thin, somewhat strident, full-aliasing filter, an r resonance too tiring and not adjustable, but you can blow up at any time and boost

The rest was more fun when you sync to another MIDI virtual analog, and with some rglages, one driver with two knobs that affect the parameters of each keyboard DIFFERENT: funny, very funny, pais and much more!
It's really the least: his squenceur arpgiatteur and fairly AGRER not live, and the fact that it sounds yamaha, and there's nothing to do: for it against me introduced to the joys of synthse, and a thank you

F bought 3700 and in 2000 a little expensive but now times it is a machine that can do many things with his features, for 2000 F. (300 euros Sorry I'm a grandmother)

with exprience, I do it again for what I do: leave to buy a machine for its brands and we love her, buy the real, to make a rhodes rhodes, clavinet one, and a real synth or an analog machine string. The sound is the price of: breaking the bank back and have four keyboards on stage ...