Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 08 Pot Edition - " ''Beautiful''"
translated5 octave keyboard with semi-weighted aftertouch 8 votes, other features see site builder UTILIZATION with some reference configuration is quite easy edition of the sounds is very simple. In a…
Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 08 Pot Edition - " TOP"
translatedPoly 8, just enough for analog! The keyboard is quite nice, good touch. No built-in effects and all the better, there is an increased awareness of the grain of this machine. In it sticky later on som…
Dave Smith Instruments Prophet '08 - ménélassou's review
translatedFirst Contact unpacking: the machine is not very heavy (still 11 kg), fine and compact (the width is just over that of her 5 octave keyboard). Original aesthetics with strong reference to the lineage…
Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 08 Pot Edition - " That's brutal ..."
translatedHyper full polyphony 8 (or 4 layers of 2) Specs * 5-octave semi-weighted keyboard With action, velocity, and aftertouch. * Spring-loaded pitch wheel and assignable mod wheel * 256 fully-editabl…
Dave Smith Instruments Mopho Keyboard - " A monster!"
translatedKeyboard 2 octaves 1 / 2 AEC and velocity aftertouch.Synthèse soustractive.128 analog factory presets, all editable and 100% well sûr.Pitch bend, modulation, everything is là.Connectique noon, usb, s…
Dave Smith Instruments Mopho Keyboard - " Excellent"
translatedAll has been said before. Monophonic analog. Publisher free download especially useful for sequencing. Use with UTILIZATION simple. Some problems with the sequencer (Live8). Transition to the…
Dave Smith Instruments PROPHET'08 SE - " 08SE Prophet, a great character"
translatedDave Smith, a pioneer in the MIDI is considered a major figure in the world of synthesizer, he founded and designed so the Sequential Circuits classics like the Prophet 5 / 10, etc. VS. In 2008, Da…
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