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Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen Stereo Issue

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Topic Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen Stereo Issue
Hi everyone.
I have a Scarlett 2i2 that I use to record audio via Audacity. I ususally just use a Behringuer C1 to record in mono, but some weeks ago I get a dynamic mic so I star to record with both lines of the interface (line 1 and 2). I preset everything to stereo (software and hardware) and it worked nice. I could monitor with my headphones and each line sounds throught every side of the stereo (line 1 left and line 2 right if I remember well).
Well, 2 days ago, I was going to record and everything looked fine. The interface recognized both lines, the microphones were working and the stereo monitoring worked perfect, but when I hit record in Audacity both channels record the same. Both record just Line 1. The Line 2 was working but it just record what was going throught line 1, in both sides of the track.
I have checked all the parameters and hardware and I just dont know where is the problem.
Thank you.