Waves X-Click - moosers's review
The Waves Ltd. X-Click is a plug-in that is a part of Waves' Restoration bundle of plug-ins. It is also found in many of the larger plug-in packs, including of course Waves Complete. I installed th…
Waves DeBreath - moosers's review
The Waves Ltd. DeBreath plug-in is a unique piece of software that allows you to control the amount of breath heard in a voice recording. It's pretty simple to use and was easy enough to install wit…
iZotope Music & Speech Cleaner - "A useful cleanup tool for audio that's noisy"
This program was not difficult for me to setup on my MacBook Pro. It's actually a relatively easy program to use, since you aren't really recording anything with it it doesn't take up as much RAM as …
Arboretum Systems Ray Gun - moosers's review
The Arboretum Systems Ray Gun plug-in is a simple noise reduction plug-in that I used to run when I was running my DAW with Cubase SX. I honestly don't remember how I got the plug-in, but I ended up…
Waves WNS Noise Suppressor - moosers's review
The Waves Ltd. WNS Waves Noise Suppressor is a new plug-in from Waves designed to filter out extraneous noise for both mixing and audio restoration purposes. To date, this is probably the best piece…
Waves X-Noise - moosers's review
The Waves Ltd. X-Noise was quite easy to install and was a process that was error and pain free. I had the plug-in working within a few minutes and haven't had any problems with it since. I didn't …
iZotope RX Plug-in - songboy's review
Were there any compatibility issues? So far there has been no compatibility issues whatsoever. <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span> Is the general configuration/setup simple? Yes, the general c…
Digidesign DINR - moosers's review
Installing the Digidesign DINR was easy and I have had not problems with this plug-in since installing it. I had no compatibility issues with this whatsoever and it has never acted up while I was usi…