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Focusrite 2i4 MIDI problems

  • 1 comment
  • 2 participants
Topic Focusrite 2i4 MIDI problems
**Don't know if I already posted it but I couldn't find it - remove this if not allowed.

Hello guys,

I bought the Focusrite 2i4 interface last week and I've only had trouble with it.
My plan is to record my Roland TD-12 kit with a MIDI signal through a VST.
Whenever there's a MIDI signal to the focusrite interface my sound starts to stutter, even without playing the instrument.
I can turn on my drums and leave them and the sound will completely mess up with stuttering, pops and even dropouts at times.
If I then pull out the MIDI cable from the interface there will be no audio problems.

The problem obviously seems to be the connection between the drums and the interface but I have yet to figure out what to do.

How do I fix this?
Hi there,

I'm Alex from Focusrite Tech Support and I would like to try and help with your issue. I'm sorry to hear that you've had nothing but trouble with your Scarlett 2i4 since purchasing it.

I'm not sure whether you are using a Mac or a PC however if you are using a Mac then I would recommend trashing your Audio/Midi preferences as per the steps in this article.


(Please ignore this if you are using a PC)

In order to establish the route cause of this issue the best thing to do is to remove the VST from the set up so that we can isolate the problem. Firstly I would make sure that your buffer size is something that is low as the buffer size can affect MIDI data that is coming in.

I would then try and record the MIDI data into a blank MIDI track in your DAW. Does the information come through successfully or are there dropouts as you describe? If there are not then this is a problem with the MIDI data communicating with the VST. If there are problems then you should open up a support ticket with us directly so that we can troubleshoot further.


Best regards,

Alex Bull // Focusrite Tech Support