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Thread recording software

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Topic recording software
I am new to the whole recording thing. I am currently using an old version of cakewalk. i want to upgrade

What would be a good software package to get that is easy to use and understand. i am recording drums, guitar and vocals. any advise?
I've used CoolEditPro (now Adobe Auditon I think) and Cubase LE (shipped with my Lexicon Omega interface). As far as ease of use, CoolEdit is easier to use right off the bat. That said, I'm now using Cubase and have found alot more flexibility for the things I'm trying to accomplish. Other folks may have different opinions, but I like Cubase alot. I saw Cubase SE in a popular catalog for $99. I don't know the differences in SE and LE, but I'd imagine that one ships free with some hardware and the other you pay for outright. I hope this was the least bit helpful.
I agree, cool edit wouyld do this, it has multitrack now, go for it