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athlon Vs P4

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Topic athlon Vs P4
is P4 superior to athlon?
if yes, in what way and to what extent?
how much would that affect audio?
thank you guys.
my friend has a p4 2,4 with 1 gig ram.
I have a xp athlon 1700 also with 1 gig ram.
We both have 2, 7200 drives, xp OS, cubase sx and about the same vst's.
We've had tests and guess what! the athlon is equally stable as the p4,
and equally fast and I have very good cpu results. the p4 temperature rises above 50 celcius and the athlon stays under 50 celcius, both under labour.
Both systems are tuned for audio and midi.

Most guys will say that the p4 is better and more stable.
What I know for sure is that the AMD is a bit more sensitive regarding the soundcard one chooses. Concerning the chipset.
When both systems are properly tuned they perform visibly the same.
Of course there will be some diferences technically speaking.
The p4 is an 2,4 ghz and the athlon is an 1,47 ghz which works as fast as the p4.
chris pax
I build nothing but athlons but I decided to buy a p4 to run protools when I got back from Iraq. Guess what it would not run protools. So I took it back some pentium chipsets dont work with protools. AMD has no problems running it. But I wanted a stand alone studio computer so I tried something new and bought a Imac G5. But when i work with windows its AMD all the way from my laptop to my desktops all AMD!