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Thread Recording Live to Laptop

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Topic Recording Live to Laptop

I have been to gigs where the engineer is recording a live preformance onto about 16 tracks on a laptop. I cant find any hardware on the internet that would make this possible, yet if I can I want to do it myself. I have been interested in the new Behringer 32 channel digital mixer for mixing and recording live preformances, I dont think there is a PCIMA card that would allow 2 spdif inputs and 2 outputs, although I know there are heaps of PCI cards which allow that, is there a firewire/usb alternative? If not should I just build myself a really fast and stable pc to do the job. The main idea is that I want to be able to record up to 16 tracks with a fairly decent mobile soultion for live gigs.

That is true there are no real choise for 16 input. But you have differentsolutions for 8 input, and it's possible to combine different sound card on a same laptop.

Just note that PCMCIA is definitively not the good way to plug a sound card. Only use USB or firewire...
Forget USB or even USB2... Firewire is the way to go if your using a laptop.. I've just started seriously considering going the the laptop route myself.., Although most of my recording is done here in the back room, it would be a real advantage to be able to take the show on the road.. I'm looking at the MOTU 828 mkII.. or possibly an Aardvark Q10. According to the guys at Sweetwater, you can daisey chain the MOTU's for as many tracks as your system can handle.. Two 828's would provide 20 inputs.. poux 8)
Those MOTU 828s I found nearly cost twice as much as the DDX3216 by behringer, which provides 16 inputs, 32 tracks and 16 busses. Has no firewire tho. And you'd need two MOTU 828s for 16 tracks.
make love not war!!!!!!!!
peace bro. :D ;)
chris pax
Im just sayin, I really cant choose what would be most suitable for me, price also has to be right, im not rich.
I know,
it's a tech jungle out there