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Thread How to solve Click, pops and Glitches with M-Audios Cards

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Topic How to solve Click, pops and Glitches with M-Audios Cards
Hello Friends,
I have An Athlon XP2800+, running in a A7V8X MoBo, Two HDs Ata 133 7200 rpm (the system one sharing IDE with CD drive UDMA 2), 1Gb RAM, Two sound Cards (synced) M-audio a Delta 1010 LT and an audiophile 2496, over a WinXP OS. I'm using Sonar 2.2 XL, Giga Studio 2.52, and Many Softsynths, Like Aritst Drums, B4, Pro -53, Trilogy, Atmosphere, etc...
Well My point of desperating is: I can't run this softs synth and the Giga Studio Without Pop and Clicks When I play or the software plays. Why???

There is a Correct Configuration to work with this softwares, I mean each component, from de Mother Board to Drives for the soundcards...
Please, you guys must know that this its make you loose nights of preocupation, so if you have lighting aswer let me know.

As you have a really good config, I'm onvinced our problem come from the latency set up. Do you have appropriate drivers? Try to get Asio driver for your sound card, then set up the latency delay.

Check out what is said in the "sound card" part of the forum, you will find some informations.

Thank you for aswer.

I did before, but the latency here, on M-audio cards, is not a big problem, cause they have 512 or 318ms working fine... I did everything is possible, my system works fine but the GigaStudio doesn't... It works but with some pops mainly when I play a full hand piano...

Well If you know a complete System(computer) that runs perfectly the GigaStudio, Sonar and Softsynths, please let me know. Spend many nights along because of it.
