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I need help with software

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Topic I need help with software
Hi new friends, first you can contact me at -redrickb@hotmail.com--ok,here is my question--Im looking for softwear to create music on my pc. I worked with one called ACID MUSIC like 9 years ago (it was pretty cool). Im really a novice at this-so I need a program thats easy to use-I want to be able to make music using loops and live recordings I record straight to my pc. I need loops that are grunge -alternitive-metal-clasic rock---please no hip hop or rap or reggae-thanks----I would also like to have effects---like echo-flange-delay-chorus-ditortion-overdrive-ect. please help me find the right softwear-or guide me in the right direction---THANK YOU all so much! ROCK ON--RED RICK
Well, ACID still exists. Sony now owns it. You might want to check it out again.
For one there is ACID. Maybe also look into Reason and its many ReFills. Do you want to mainly use Loops or mainly compose music yourself? All the bigger Sequencer Applications (ProTools, Cubase, Logic, DP...) these days are equipped with basic (and more than basic) FX, Sounds and Modules....Acid and Reason are just much more Instruments. Maybe for you ACID still is the best but you would need to define how much live recording you'd be wanting to do.