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How to use Reason 4 as a Sound Module?

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Topic How to use Reason 4 as a Sound Module?
I was watching this video on how to use reason 4 as a sound module thats controlled by a controller & sequenced on a mpc! I'm trying to do the same thing, but i'm using a Fantom X6 & a MPC2000XL. i have a usb cable running into my g5 to control reason. I have my fantom & mpc linked through the out and in midi ports. I think all i have to do is changed a setting in the fantom, but i'm not sure which one or if i should be using the midi through port on the back of the fantom! I know how to change the usb mode, but nothing about getting the mpc to be the main sequencer! I also know if i were to buy and mbox 2, i can run my midi out cable right into the mbox 2, but my first gen mbox is good enough to knock out anything else i need! ALL HELP IS APPRECIATED!!
got the same issue here. can any one please help. it is highly appreciated.

propellerhead reason

[ Post last edited on 03/19/2010 at 17:09:25 ]