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article reactions Comments about Mac vs. PC

  • 4 replies
  • 4 participants
Topic Comments about Mac vs. PC
More controversial than the Stones vs Beatles, more uncompromising than a Bush vs Obama debate, and hotter than the cold war, the Mac vs PC question ignites passions, endless debates and might even be responsible for violent outbreaks in some circles. But then again, that's not a reason not to ask, is it? So we'll try to answer the question as peacefully as possible.

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That really was a great objective article icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif .  However, I will never stray from being a PC user simply because of the versatility of options, not to mention my limited finances.


Alpha icon_cool.gif
Crash are less reliable cost alot of money and the Graphic Engine is working better  for audio than on windows. I remeber back to the G5 with its annoying PSU and buggy Logic 7 with its sudden Channel Death issue. Where we are at failing channels, do AVID finally fixed the BUS Bug (which is a feature of PT HD for ages now) ? Or the not properly working AIR Hybrid on mac ? And what about AIR Structure crashes on mac?
Ahh and one left, Digidesigns Aceess Virus TDM failing impementation. I say only a lpf is not a bitcruncher. icon_non.gif Theses days you can even use Mac software on a custom built PC.
Just one way : -> http://de.art-studios.net/

Why do you need to turn off AERO to get a DAW running smooth ?
Cubase GUI is very slow under PC.
Windows 7 is unbelievable stable.

Is there a aluminium PC Notebook out there ? Yes ? 

Just my experiences...
You guys just need to get over it all and realize that they have the same exact types of everything. Sure macs are more expensive but they are aimed toward artists and designers and eveything is expensive in that world!!! BOOM SHAKA-LAKAAAA
Plus you cannot customize a mac hardware Try to decouple vibrating harddrived in a mac pro, or replace fans