TopicPosted on 07/07/2014 at 16:32:28Tempo Normalizer? (from phone recording to pre-production)
I'm a songwriter who frequently records song ideas on my iphone's voice recorder. It's usually a couple minutes of me playing piano and singing.
When I really like a voice recording, I'll go to Pro Tools and try to record a professional-sounding version. The problem is that I never capture all that I loved about the original voice memo. It's the little nuances I struggle to recreate that often made the original memo cool in the first place.
So I want to just load the iphone voice memo into pro tools and overdub it. The problem is that my iphone voice memos are never played to any tempo, so they are off-rythm.
Does anyone know of a software/plug-in that will take an off-rythm recording (one of my iphone voice memos), and make it so that the whole track is set to some tempo?
Sincere thanks in advance
While we're on the topic, I struggle to stay on rhythm, even with a metronome and quantizer. Anyone know of some miracle quantizer that would solve the problem.
[ Post last edited on 07/07/2014 at 16:40:34 ]
Mike Levine
Site Admin
Member 11 years ago
2Posted on 07/08/2014 at 08:08:47
Pro Tools has a function called "Identify Beat," which is capable of creating a tempo map from a track recorded without a click. It's not simple to use, but it can work. Here's how it's described in the Pro Tools reference guide:
"The Identify Beat command lets you establish a tempo/meter map for audio that was recorded without a click, or for imported audio with unknown tempos. The Identify Beat command analyzes a selection range (usually with a distinct number of beats or measures) and calculates its tempo based on the specified meter. In doing this, Bar|Beat Markers for the calculated tempo are inserted and appear in the Tempo ruler at the beginning and end of the selection; in addition, meter events are inserted into the Meter ruler."
While we're on the topic, I struggle to stay on rhythm, even with a metronome and quantizer. Anyone know of some miracle quantizer that would solve the problem.
The best miracle quantizer ever invented is called "practice a lot with a metronome."
But in the mean time, you could use the quantize functions in Pro Tools' Elastic Audio or Beat Detective — or if you have Melodyne Editor, in that. But first you need to establish a tempo map, or you'll have no grid to quantize to. Good luck!