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Zoom H6 preamps quality + Audio interface without inputs

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Topic Zoom H6 preamps quality + Audio interface without inputs
Hey guys !

I got some questions about stuff I just bought and stuff I'm about to buy.

First one : At first I was about to buy a Focousrite 6i6 but I managed to get my hand on a cheap Zoom H6. So I don't need anymore that much inputs for my interface. I'm still wondering the quality of the preamps between those two gear. Has anyone been able to test and compare the quality of the preamps of the Zoom H6 vs the focusrite scarlett series preamps ?

Second question : Since I'm mostly recording live (in rehearsal) with my brand new H6, I don't feel the need to get any inputs on my workstation. An audio interface (94kHZ/24bits) with midi and outs for 2 monitoring speakers would be more than enough. I tought I could save some extra bucks but I find it hard to find any interface at all without inputs. Does anyone know some worth it ?
