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Korg D-1600 MKII
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« Korg D-1600 MKII »

Published on 01/22/04 at 15:00
I bought the studio recorder through the Internet, in a store in The Netherlands. Their price was very compatible for Europe, 1,299.00 Euro's; add about 20% to get the Dollar price (that might be different again tomorrow...). We, DAIRYBEAT, a hobby band, have started to record our own cd: 'The Attick Sounds'.

The recorder and I needed a couple of days of getting used to each other and me going through the manual. I blamed the recorder for not working properly, but it blamed me not reading properly; the recorder was right! Now we're getting on like a dream. Precise recording without clipping, lots of effects to choose from and a very good sound.

I ordered the recorder in The Netherlands, where we speak Dutch, but it only came with an English manual! So I had to follow a speedy English course before I could start using the unit, but I now also hold an English degree! Apart from that, no dislikes.

I have no complaints on construction and quality of the unit.

I have a dream of selling one of my songs to a big artist or a Record Company. If that dream will come true, I will be forever in debt to my Korg.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com