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Korg D-1600 MKII
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Published on 04/28/04 at 07:46
For specifications, all you need for a quality job:
16 tracks (128 virtual).
40 GB hard drive, built-in CD burner.
Registration 24/16 bits / 44.1 kHz (uncompressed of course!)
MIDI / USB Connection
Direct recording of 8 tracks, including 4 XLR with power supply. ghost
Built-in effects
Touch screen (which is far from a gimmick!), Etc. etc. ...
In short, that's good ....


The general configuration is very good, although of course it takes some getting used to.
This is where action comes into the touch screen because it allows you to "walk" so nice on the different views available without going so far as the knob and arrow keys.
Great opportunity to record "Scenes". Indeed, I write songs that are sometimes very long and in which several subjects follow, so different settings. The faders are not motorized, the scenes can, through faders graphics, doing this.
The scenes, in addition, both record volume levels that effect settings.
Functions are as brilliant as the "scrub" which, when assembling pieces, to see precisely the beginning of the game you want to change (shown in waveform on the screen), the " bland track "that increases or decreases the sound automatically.
Not talking about the editing features on the tracks (copy, move, delete etc. ....).
In short, this machine offers real possibilities, and the result is obtained after, of course, some "blunders" due to the adaptation time of the machine, is really surprising.
I would put just a little flat on the effects, because using them is not very easy.
Maybe my age is it relevant??


Nothing to say ... it's clean, clean, burr-free.
I use for my part, a tube preamp and a compressor (which is not a requirement with the D1600!). This allows me to focus on other effects available on the Korg. I used an earlier 8 tracks with Roland COSM effects simulation unique to that manufacturer.
Korg has the same thing, called REMS, and I have noticed that generally, the Korg effects are much more "soft" effects Roland, who, for some, generate breath.
Using only the keyboard sounds, the Korg is more "soft" and therefore more pleasing to the ear.
Nevertheless, the result is at the top, the momentum is there, and the converters are absolute discretion.
In addition, the effects can be adjusted to the "quarter-haired"


It is a machine that brings great pleasure to create and use.
There is nothing to throw on Korg!. Nice build quality, comfortable use, excellent, brand reputation ... and finally, a price after all very interesting since it is possible to negotiate this beautiful toy in about 1300/1400 Euros.
A cost that may seem important, but still more than adequate to the results that can be drawn.
Of course, now after 3 months of use, it is not even possible for me to use another recorder, and yes, 40 brushes, it focuses on things!!