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Zoom HD16
Zoom HD16

Digital Multrack-studio from Zoom

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stevenhuito stevenhuito
Published on 11/07/09 at 06:44

I bought a month ago the Zoom HD 16.
The "home studio" is very new for me. I have a micro T-Bone SC 600 through which I record my voice and intruders.

To account for the quality of HD-16, let me give you the link to one of my times. (Fleet Foxes, White Winter Hymnal) I'm amazed the record, and the ease with which one can operate the device. The piece was done in the space of an evening, say 1:30-1am.

I said that for this piece, I used the HD 16 without connecting to my pc. I have not used the built-Bass, but my personal low. The guitar is a Takamine G-series. The result has been far from successful, but the goal is to suggest the potential of the machine! And it's especially fun to do ... <a href="https://sd-1.archive-host.com/membres/playlist/192646351242236043/White_winter_hymnal_cover.mp3" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">

Good listening, see you soon
