Waldorf Streichfett Review
Written testUnveiled last spring at Frankfurt, it wasn't until mid-summer that the Streichfett was to be seen in stores. As soon as it came out, we grabbed one and stripped it down!
Waldorf Streichfett Review
Hot newsUnveiled last spring at Frankfurt, it wasn't until mid-summer that the Streichfett was to be seen in stores. As soon as it came out, we grabbed one and stripped it down!
[Musikmesse][VIDEO] Waldorf Streichfett
Hot newsMusikmesseWe couldn’t miss Waldorf’s new Streichfett string synth, so we rushed to his booth at Musikmesse 2014 for a demo.
[Musikmesse] Waldorf introduces a String Synth
Hot newsMusikmesseWaldorf is completing its compact synth series with Streichfett, a string synth that will be introduced next week at Musikmesse 2014.
Waldorf MicroWave 2
NewsThe MicroWave II is a rackmount synthesizer with 10-voice tone generation, which features two oscillators per voice, two wave generators, a mixer, two serially-connected filters, a stereo amplifier, …