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Duesenberg D-Bass 4 - " Original, beautiful, absolute quality ..."
translatedHi all. One year I was looking for this low opportunity. Having briefly had 5 strings and amazed by its beauty and quality, I searched endlessly until the site to see in a small Irish ads via Googl…
Duesenberg D-Bass 4 - neko828's review
translatedWhat is said in the catalog Duesenberg: PRICE: 1490 German hardware. Contrle "mid shape", allowing a smooth transition from the J-Bass in his P-Bass with a single pair of humbucker "Bass Toa…
Duesenberg Starplayer Bass - rock.R's review
translatedMine is a Starplayer BASS, the new model with two microphones .. "German and U.S. trademarks" is inscribed on the small plug at the bottom of the school fund rsonance, j'imagne that mean it does b…