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  • 2 replies
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hi it's marcuss here i want to set up my 1st home recording studio to make punk, rock n roll and rap tunes but i'm not sure what to buy i've got money to spend been saving up for a while and i want everthing i could possibly need so i can buy it all in one lump. Is there anyone who could tell me all the BEST things that i need to buy, would be much appreciated eg keyboard,booth, packages, wires,cards and software(already have a computer). THANKS
Let us know the working budget...

I could suggest the best little 8 channel Behringer to start your studio with or a 100,000 dollar Crest Console...
Not sure which to suggest without knowing how much you've got...
vague question.

"the best things that i need to buy".
now there's a never-ending question! no matter what you buy, there always will be something better (unless you have millions to dedicate to this).

start with a project, choose a room (that will be acoustically treated), plan on what you are going to record, how many inputs you need, what ouboards you might use, how many mics, how many miles of cable, build a dedicated pc or use a multitrack recorder, consider what monitors and if you need a sub, learn how to use and if you need a patchbay, start thinking about a mixing console... etc etc etc...

it's a loooooong road