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casio privia save problem

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Topic casio privia save problem
I have a casio privia PX410R which I use to play midi files I find on the net, being accompaniments to songs I sing.
Very often I want to change the voices and other parameters using the mixer setting, but when I then go to save the SMF the new settings are lost.
This is what I do:
I LOAD the SMF file from the card and store it into the user area; then I play it using the SMF player (I can also play it directly from the card, same thing).
Now I can only change the voices if I enter the MIXER while the song is playing. Hitting stop/start always reverts back to the original voices. This is why I cannot save the file with the new voices either.
Is this just not possible on this keyboard? Why else have a mixer then?
Thanks in advance for your help.