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sound quality VS. QUANTITY OF DSP

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Topic sound quality VS. QUANTITY OF DSP
I personally consider yamaha psr-550 a possible professional equipment if songs are substatially edited and enough dsp is added. But what if publisher suspects that a lot of unnecessary DSP was generated just to make the song sound more heavenly official and professional? Or maybe they would prefer better quality than this model?... Would it be really realistic to state that some reputable musicians could be though using this model?
Any suggestions for ol' snozzy buddy Yuri?

well you see, this is where people MUST try things before they buy them, you cannot just decide to go with software, based on the fact that it can do everything, choose something you will actually use, but DSP's are cheaper than hardware so thats the draw most ppl have...there is a lot of elitism in the hardware world, but i guess people have the right to their prefference and opinion

i like hard and soft