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I Need help editing my Ensoniq ZR76!

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Topic I Need help editing my Ensoniq ZR76!
Does anybody know how to edit so the sustain pedal works with the Organ sounds?

I realize it was the intention of Ensoniq to make the B3's as realistic as possible, but I'm using some of these sounds as pads and would like the flexibility to 'hold' them while I do something else with my other hand. (whoops)

The manual (although 400 pages long) doesn't seem to have a solution for this, and a freind of mine who also owns a ZR76 claims the pedal works with the organs on his.

does the pedal work with other soundsets?
Yes, the sustain works fine with everything else, including some of the cheesier organs, but with the grittier B3's I think they (Ensoniq) are making an attempt to make them more 'realistic'. Some guys on some other boards say they have the 'Halo' and similar Ensoniq models - I think there's nothing I can do....

yea honestly i cannot think of how to fix that, you ever tried emailing them, or phoning their support line?
Check page 86 in the pdf manual.

Sound Controller Filters

The pedals can be turned on or off for each sound (patch)

The manual can be found on the E-MU website.
