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Take a survey about the usage of Keyboard Workstations

  • 1 comment
  • 1 participant
  • 1 follower
Topic Take a survey about the usage of Keyboard Workstations
Dear keyboard workstation users,


I'm a student of multimedia technology (HTWK Leipzig, Germany) and i'm currently working on my diploma thesis on the usage of Keyboard Workstations (e.g. Korg M 3, Roland Fantom, Yamaha Motif – no entertainer workstations like Yamaha Tyros).


My focus is on the typical musical areas the workstations are being played (Stage/Studio), how people make music with workstations, what the most important features are and how the future of workstations could look like. So it makes no difference whether you're a keyboard player in a pop-band or a hip-hop producer, everyone's welcome.


For this reason i have created a survey, which will take up only 5 min of your time. As a gratification there is the chance to win a $100 Voucher for amazon.com. You will have the option to leave your email-adress at the end of the survey. This will be used exlusively to pick a lucky winner for the voucher. All data will be treated anonymously.


So if you are using or have been using a keyboard workstation, here's the link to the survey:




The survey will be online for about 3 Weeks. Feel free to forward this link to any workstation users you know.


Thank you very much for taking the survey!



Hey everyone,

just a quick reminder that the survey is still up and open for answers.
