Fender Classic '72 Telecaster Deluxe - Piouf 974's review
translated- Made in Mexico. - 21 Frets! (Not 22 ...) - 2 Fender Wide Range pickups humbucker (Neck / Bridge) - Bridge "Vintage Style Start Strings-Through-Body Hardtail Bridge" - 2 volume, 2 tone (1 fo…
Fender TL62 - thorpedo's review
translatedMade In Japan Telecaster 62 21 vintage frets Alder body Handle Saddle C rosewood fingerboard 2 pickups Fender Fender Mcaniques 3 Slecteur Postitions Volume and Tone UTILIZATION Th…
Fender TL62 - fru's review
translatedJapan 21 frets 3 positions UTILIZATION The handle is very nice, Access in acute normal Ergonomics is top The guitar is pretty lgre This gives extremely clear sound easily with a very very g…
Fender Highway One Telecaster [2002-2006] - Guitare77's review
translatedGuitar made in United States Maple neck 1 master volume 1 master tone A 3-position selector Color sunburst A Telecaster quality. UTILIZATION The maple neck is nice. Looking back bec…
Fender Standard Telecaster [2006-2008] - kriss54's review
translatedFender Standard Made in Mexico. 21 standard frets, bridge and standard maple neck. UTILIZATION I play the guitar for 43 years now and I've tried all sorts and I can say that this was a pleasant…
Fender American Telecaster [2000-2007] - wanacoco's review
translatedFirst of all, hello everyone! Fender Telecaster American series (018402700) 3colors sunburst. Factory-American -22 Boxes -Maple fingerboard Handle-type "C" ... Telecaster everything over …
Fender Special Edition Lite Ash Telecaster - jraviez's review
translatedA tlcaster Corenne Seymour Duncan the old trestle bridges 3 a handle Saddle Mouchet straight as a UTILIZATION APRS rglage a little hair to complete it is super easy to play. Although balanc…
Fender Special Edition Lite Ash Telecaster - jacqn's review
translatedDoes everything said. Beeeeelllle it is! (Even my daughters find it superb!) I took it in natural wood (like my old Gibson The Paul, but is dark wood. Natural wood goes with everything, do not bo…
Fender Classic '72 Telecaster Deluxe - Pouce30's review
translatedT say everything except the pickups (Fender Wide Range) are not the template of standard humbuckers. So for those who would change the pickups will prvoir changing pickguard too. Otherwise everything…
Fender TL62 - onelittlejog's review
translatedTelecaster 62 reissue custom * Alder body * Handle type C (large enough) * Rosewood * Vintage frets * Mechanical vintage F * 2 vintage microphones * 3 position selector * 3 color ton…
Fender TL62 - hot.flea's review
translatedCHARACTERISTICS Made in Japan. The flat handle. I prfre of us. trs is good for beginners UTILIZATION Legere, no bonus like us no flexibility such as USD. the sound is good for beginner…
Fender American Telecaster [2000-2007] - tonioux's review
translatedTele 24 frets United States a short tele what? UTILIZATION The handle is a great tele mache round enough, access to acute is huge, superb ergonomics (perfect balance ...) who has a gibson will no…
Fender Special Edition Lite Ash Telecaster - djkev7's review
translatedThe series is produced ash Lite in factories of the brand Cort in Korea, and is also beautifully crafted of trs. Mine is finishing Vintage White (White-yellow) that I find absolutely beautiful. When …
Fender Telecaster (1952) - Anonyme's review
translatedAll adj t say ;-) UTILIZATION The neck is quite thick and not very slippery. The guitar is trslgre. SOUNDS Adj is a great sound when the guitar is "unplugged". It was the sound "twang" with…
Fender TL62 - wd40's review
translatedTele jap. attention: the version of Thomann (mine so) of APRS that I have been able to read, did not "texas special", but "vintage". trs enjoyable round. not too "BChE" (at the same time I have t…