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Focusrite Saffire Pro 26
Focusrite Saffire Pro 26

FireWire audio interface from Focusrite belonging to the Saffire series

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Routing question from a loop artist

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Topic Routing question from a loop artist
Hello, I am new to this forum and by searching the database here I couldn't find my answers.

I guess my problem is simple for somebody who really understood the routing system of the Saffire. Unfortunately it is difficult for me because I am maybe too stupid to connect the things as it should be.
My plan is to use the Saffire Pro 26 for my live setup as a loop artist.

My setup consists of 2 mics for e.g. percussion, reed instruments. Additionally I use an acoustic guitar. This channels run into a little hardware mixer. The output of the mixer is connected to input 3 and 4 of the Saffire Pro. Furthermore, I have a Macbook Pro running Logic Pro X and use a Roland GR synth for triggering software synth inside Logic Pro X. To get some nice real time reverb I am using a hardware Lexicon reverb connected via SPdif in/outs. Finally I have connected one input of a Digitec Jamman looper receiving outgoing signals from output 3 of the Saffire Pro. The output of the Jamman is running into channel 3 of the little hardware mixer (the mics mentioned above run into channel 1 and 2 of this mixer). The main outputs (for me this is output 1 and 2) of the Saffire. Beside the signal from the DAW everything is mono. So far my setup description.

Now the issue: Inside the mix tab of the Saffire Pro Mix control I managed to record everything I hear to my Jamman looper. But the signal I record sounds washed, unclear and in a a way low quality. Also, since I have produced a kind of loop circle by the way I connected the stuff I run into feedback problems generated by the Jaman looper in- and output which are both connected to the Saffire. Also I don't want the looper to record the lexicon reverb. The looper should record the dry signals I produce and the result shoould be routed to the hardware reverb.
Anyhow, I hope my english is fine enough to decribe my plan and the challenge I am facing here. Maybe somebody can give me a better idea how to connect the stuff and teach me how to send only certain channels and not all channels to the hardware reverb. Cheers and thanks for reading so far. KrokusP

[ Post last edited on 10/17/2015 at 08:05:58 ]