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RME Audio Fireface 800
RME Audio Fireface 800
JuLgtRock JuLgtRock

«  The GOOD stuff »

Published on 07/17/12 at 10:02
My choice was motivated by the reputation of RME, especially at the pre amps
I turned on the ff800 for the number of analog inputs
I have a small family-type PC with winXP ... lol
Purpose: to include models with good sound for local bands
One can "pair" up to three 800 ff, use it as a Standalone Mode pre amp and pre amp fuck what!


besides, it's the computer, no worries of drivers
I use it with Cubase
Latency level, the manual says between 3 and 0.068 ms following software, computer, connection, ... I'm not a pro, never had the idea to calculate it ...
The ff800 can simultaneously record 10 tracks analog, 16 track ADAT and SPDIF 2-track. Personally, I've only record from analog inputs, there's a routing system killer that I have not had the courage to really understand, I block a bit, but a friend who is not pro swears by it (TotalMix) routing for his studio.
entry and exit south are quite useful for updates stuff (my Line 6 M13 has become even more interesting)


The only concern I had was an Acer PC ... compatibility problem Acer / RME parasites which created sharp style "cracking twiter," infernal brief
With an HP PC: no problem, there's just that I'm sick of PC, I switch to Mac vai
I have a manual in French, so I made my little brain work and I got there fast enough for what I wanted to do


I use it for 5 years, this is my first real sound card, i like death to these pre amps (there, I think it's clear) and the autonomous mode is frankly quite handy for me (I requisitioned and used in small coffee-concerts)

The downside: it's been in, because then when you got a good map, you wanna bah good mics, you buy a good amp, a good instrument, you throw your PC to a Mac so you change your apps ...

In short music is a sports town, but must know what you want, the RME ff800, if I need a second, I'll buy it without hesitation