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Thread Focusrite scarlet SOLO ASIO buffer reset

  • 2 replies
  • 3 participants
Topic Focusrite scarlet SOLO ASIO buffer reset
Hello all,

Recently I purchased a 2nd gen scarlett solo to use together with my sennheiser e835. All is fine and lag is somewhat acceptable.
I run windows 10 on an i5 3570K and use the asio control app in order to configure my buffer size. However, after a reboot the setting always return to default, ie: 48khz, 128.
How can I fix these settings, so that I do not need to adjust them after reboot?

Many thanks!
There is a some option to save into the device, I´m not sure but I read this on the focusrite control manual.
Hi Cyanide82,

Sorry to hear you have been experiencing some issues with the buffer size. What driver version are you on?

Please make sure you are on the latest driver (4.15) and if not, please download from here:


Does this solve your issue? Let me know if not and I'll be happy to help further.

Best regards,

Alex // Focusrite Tech Support